Grandmother's House
About the project
Kronospan Foundation will implement in Brasov, between April and September 2019, the project "Grandmother's house - window to the future", whose objective is to increase the visibility of authentic folk crafts by creating promotional products representative of Romanian cultural creation. The project also aims to revive in the consciousness of current and future generations the grandmothers' house in the villages located in SE Transylvania, as it was arranged inside, with elements of mobile heritage specific to the Romanian, German and Hungarian population. The peasant interiors of the houses of the past are intended to be exploited through this project as an open window through which the observer now looks at the past translated into the future.
About the creative workshop
The Craftsmanship Camp will promote old crafts from Brasov and Țara Bârsei among Brasov students through interaction between them and today's craftsmen, who carry on the traditional craftsmanship.
For 10 days, participants will work, under the guidance of the craftsmen, on products specific to each craft practiced in the workshops. At the end, an interior of a Transylvanian house will be reconstructed, with those objects of furniture and fabrics with which Romanian, Saxon and Hungarian women used to furnish and decorate their homes.
Students will work with the artisans both individually and in group activities. One day of the camp programme will be dedicated to educational visits to museums of Ethnography and Urban Civilisation. Historical sites related to the Brasov guilds will be visited: the Bastion of the Weavers, the Tower of the Funarians, the Tower of the Pulp Mill, the Tower of the Woodworkers, the Bastion of the Postmen, the House of the Brasov Juners.
Who can attend?
Children aged 10 to 16
What is going to happen?
10 days of skills and creativity under the guidance of artisans from 1 to 12 July 2019
6 craft workshops:
- painting on glass in Schei technique - coordinator Corneliu Prișcu Sculean
- painting on wood in saxon style - coordinator Manuela Ivan
- traditional sewing/embroidery - coordinator Ionela Bangălă
- natural fibre/fire weaving - coordinator Gabriela Bularca
- braiding hair - coordinator Valeria Neuvirt
- wood carving - coordinator Ioan Neuvirt
Venue: Casa Junilor (Tourist Information Centre Brasov); Str. Prundului, nr. 1
Camp schedule: Monday-Friday, from 10 to 15 pm
Photo Gallery
Proiectul nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia Administrației Fondului Cultural Național. AFCN nu este responsabilă de conținutul proiectului sau de modul în care rezultatele proiectului pot fi folosite.
Acestea sunt în întregime responsabilitea beneficiarului finanțării.