Legal framework

Your support is essential

Whether it is financial or material support, our contracts are permanently verified by our legal department so that they correspond all the legal requirements. The contracts may be either a donation or a sponsorship. We are always transparent about how we use the financial support received from our Partners.

The sponsorship/donation agreement is the legal act by which two persons agree to the transfer of ownership over material goods or financial means with the declared scope of supporting non-profit activities carried out by the Foundation, who is the beneficiary of the sponsorship/donation.

Sponsorships/donations are made with purpose and destination – where material goods or financial means are contributed for the enactment or performance of specific activities/scope, as carried out by the Foundation according to its mission statement.

Taxpayers granting sponsorships/donations have the right to benefit from a deduction of the taxable income with all or part of the sponsorship/donation amount, depending on the specific fiscal rules applicable in the jurisdiction where such taxpayers are incorporated and function.

Should the legal provisions applicable to a sponsor/donor entail certain specific legal conditions to be met or if the fiscal / tax requirements for deductibility are of concern, we express our availability to address any such circumstances.

How can you help?

Make a donation or conclude a sponsorship/donation contract

A sponsorship/donation contract must include:

  • The complete legal name of the Sponsor/Donor
  • VAT number and/or any other official registration number
  • Object (amount of the sponsorship/donation)
  • Postal address of the Sponsor/Donor
  • Name & position of the legal representative of the sponsor/donor

The contract must be signed in original by both parties, scanned documents are not legally accepted.

After the conclusion of a sponsorship/donation contract, each Sponsor/Donor will receive a pack of supportive documents, sent in original (they can be used to support the tax reduction):

  • The “Personal letter” addressed by the President of the Kronospan Foundation to the General Manager of the Sponsor/Donor
  • The “Official recognition letter” from the Kronospan Foundation regarding the sponsorship/donation contract, stating the projects supported by the sponsorship/donation
  • The “Official financial statement” of the Kronospan Foundation for the last financial year
  • The Statute of the Kronospan Foundation
  • The Annual Report of the Kronospan Foundation for the previous year

If a Sponsor/Donor has a particular request regarding the procedure and/or documents, each case shall be solved according to the specific requests.

After you fill in blanks, please print and sign the documents in 2 (two) originals and send them to the address below:

The Kronospan Foundation

1st Strunga Mieilor Street 500482,

Brasov Romania


We thank all our partners, donors & sponsors!