2% Campaign
About the project
Every year the Kronospan Foundation encourages people to donate 2% of their income tax towards a good cause. Projects centering on supply of medical equipment, promotion of the arts, as well as general health care have been previously supported. In the last few years we at the Kronospan Foundation have especially been focusing our efforts towards aiding local organizations in Romania, giving back to and strengthening the communities of Sebes as well as Brasov.
Always Green – Let’s plant the future together
Starting with 2016, by means of the 2% Campaign, the Kronospan Foundation will raise funds to support its own Project “Always Green – Let’s Plant the Future Together!”. The project will run for a period of at least 10 years and will comprise both regular, countrywide afforestation and environment cleaning activities and the constant maintenance of the planted areas. Moreover, another target of the “Always Green – Let’s Plant the Future Together!” project is to raise the awareness of the local communities towards a sustainable behaviour in view of keeping the environment clean.
By developing the 2% Campaign to support the Always Green Project, Kronospan Foundation continues one of its major project development directions, respectively environmental protection. Each filled-in and submitted form will mean the planting of one sapling for the recovery and improvement of wooded areas in Romania. Besides the resources which are set aside for the organisation of the 2% Campaign, at the end of each yearly campaign, the Kronospan Foundation will double the funds which will be raised by donations.
All persons who wish to support the development of this project are invited to fill in the Form 230 or the Form 220 (for persons who have other income sources besides the salary) for the benefit of Kronospan Foundation. The forms may be downloaded below and must be sent to the Tax Administration (personally or by mail with acknowledgment receipt) until the 25th of May 2017.
Tâmpa Mountain Sanctuary – 2015 Campaign
Kronospan Foundation’s 2% campaign 2015 will support the Metropolitan Agency of Brasov (Romania) in the restoration of the infrastructure and general valorisation of the natural patrimony of the Tampa Mountain Sanctuary.
Through this year’s project the Kronospan Foundation does not only want to support the restoration of the resort financially, but wants to draw attention to the importance of the Tampa Mountain Sanctuary to the city of Brasov. This integral natural resort adds immense value to the city and enriches the community in general. Braşov is known as the “city at the foot of the Tâmpa”, one of the few cities globally which is entirely encompassed by a naturally protected area.
The Tâmpa Mountain has enjoyed the status of nature reserve since 1962. In 2000 it was declared a reserve of national interest and since 2007 it has been a site of community importance. The sanctuary consists of an area of 214 hectares and belongs to the Natura 2000 network, the European network of nature protected areas.
Every donor can help to make a change. With each filled-in form to give support to this campaign, Tampa Mountain will flourish again, flora and fauna will be protected and history will reveal itself. We will ensure that the touristic infrastructure on the mountain is given for the community and each donation will ensure that there will be new benches on trails, general cleaning of the area and installations of new informational boards. And because Kronospan Foundation believes in this project and its importance so strongly, we will double the funds raised by this year’s campaign at the end of the year.
I have a friend with autism - 2014 Campaign
Everybody has to pay taxes to the state and not seldomly do we wonder what exact use the money we pay is put to. The 2% campaign by the Kronospan Foundation offers an opportunity to any private individual to decide what cause to contribute to with 2% of their income tax.
In 2014 the Kronospan Foundation supports the activity of the “Crystal Children” Association in Braşov and of the “MUST!” Association in Sebeş, both located in Romania. The associations provide support and dedicated therapy for people diagnosed with autism and autism spectrum disorders. By directing 2% of your income tax to the Kronospan Foundation, you are giving a new chance to a child or adult diagnosed with autism.
A City, a New Concert Hall, a Piano - 2013 Campaign
Starting with the 2013-2014 season, the Brasov Philharmonic Orchestra opened their new concert hall. However, for the performances to take place in the best conditions the Orchestra needed a new concert piano in order to complete the story they delighted us with for over a century now.
The Kronospan Foundation decided to support the Brasov Philharmonic Orchestra through the acquisition of a new piano. The first step was the 2% campaign, which helped partially raise the amount needed for purchasing the piano.
Throughout the year the Foundation ran a media campaign which was meant to familiarize the local community to the cause and to educate them on the cultural importance of having a professional orchestra in the city. After purchasing the new piano for the Philharmonic Orchestra, the old one was donated to the School of Music in Brasov, putting it to good use by supporting the future generation of talented artists.
2% for Our Children - 2012 Campaign
In 2012, the Kronospan Foundation identified an urgent need to support the local children’s Hospitals of Brasov and Sebes. All the Foundation’s efforts were concentrated on acquiring new medical equipment for them, providing them with the adequate tools to treat their young sick patients.
In cooperation with the medical staff of the hospitals it was concluded that the purchase of an echocardiograph for Brasov and an ultrasound machine for Sebes were of utmost priority.
The Foundation’s fund raising campaign was based on online and offline media supports that covered all information sources (TV, Radio, local press, flyers, posters etc.). This allowed for a coverage of a large sample of population and in the end lead to a successful completion of the project.